Saturday, 23 August 2014

Revival of a Broken Boy

Sharing the story of another Kumantong that Archan Nick brought hope back when it was accidentally broken while being shipped from Thailand to Singapore. Almost a similar story to the last boy that Archan Nick saved but done in a different way. You can read about the last story by clicking here. Here is the story of the revival of a broken boy...

This huge Kumantong bucha by Luang Phor Yeam had only the upper half of his body left when brought to Archan Nick by a disappointed devotee after the shipment of this huge bucha came in pieces instead of as a whole. Archan Nick was left with no choice but to remove the crystals from the bucha and then pounding the whole thing into powder form.

A wooden bucha was then sourced to be the new 'body' of this boy.

Here we see the base of this new wooden bucha being drilled with a hole larger enough to fit all the contents of the pounded bucha in. Archan Nick then started stuffing all the powder into the hole and topped it off with the crystals taken off the original bucha and also added two takruts to add power to this boy.

A final blessing ceremony was done at the cemetery by Archan Nick to invite a new child soul to reside in this bucha before returning it to the owner. The disappointed owner turned into a satisfied owner and the broken boy turned into a miracle boy! Once again, Archan Nick 'reformats' a Kumantong that most would probably just give up on!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Religious Artifact Engraving

Sharing some works of Archan Nick hand engraving holy yants on religious artifacts for devotees.

 Incense urn.

Holy water bowl.

If you have any religious items you would like Archan Nick to hand engrave holy yants on, do get in touch with us! It can be anything made of metals, plastic or even wood. Some additional examples would be engraving additional yants on the plastic casing or stainless steel casing of your amulets/takruts or even engraving additional yants on metal buchas/roops.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

From Ugly Duckling to a Swan

Sharing a story of this above boy that was found by Archan Nick in a pile of already burnt joss paper. It was burnt together with large amounts of joss paper meant for its owner after its owner has passed away. However, it managed to survive the mass burning although it has suffered some burns on the base. Archan Nick decided to take it back to give it a new lease of life.

After some tedious polishing, Archan Nick added some yants around its body. However, it still had scars of the burnt marks it suffered and Archan Nick decided to spend some time to learn something he has never done before to try and help it look better.

 Here in these photos, we can see the 4-step process from start to finish. Archan Nick specially took some time to learn from a friend on the art of gold-foil pasting for buchas. He then meticulously ensured a good job was done to give this boy a new coat of gold. Now it looks lively and glowing, but just needs the most important step now, to give it the power it deserves.

Here we see Archan Nick stuffing up the base of this boy with many ingredients. Cemetery soils, holy wax, bone ashes, incense ashes, his Takrut Phong Prai Pan Pii and also a Loop Om Phong Prai Pan Pii. After all these was done, Archan Nick continued chanting the boy for many nights before a final blessing ceremony during one of the cemetery trips organized with some devotees. The revival and transformation of this boy is then officially completed! From an abandoned boy who survived a mass burning to a powerful and golden boy!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

999 Gold Takrut

Some long-time Singaporean followers of Archan Nick actually went to purchase pure gold sheets from a jewellery shop to custom-make some takruts. Due to the price of the material, Archan Nick had to be very careful as to make sure the work was perfect and a mistake would be costly. Yants were written on the sheets and blessed for weeks daily before releasing it back to the devotees for wearing. 

Materials are also important in the making of holy items and not really the price of materials. Gold is expensive, but another reason why it is a good material is because the formation of gold takes a long period of time, this long period of time makes the material absorb a lot of forces of nature. Some other popular materials for making holy items would be gemstones and even wood from very old trees.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Five Precepts

The Five Precepts of Buddhism are the very basic laws that every follower of the Lord Buddha should practice and I would like to further elaborate each one for everyone to have a better understanding.

1. I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing.
This first precept is easily understood by knowing that one should not take away the life of another living being. With this, we learn to be merciful and compassionate. This does not only apply to not killing our fellow human beings but also not killing other living animals that exist in this world.

2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.
This second precept translates to not stealing, not taking from others what that does not belong to us. We do not take what that was not given to us and this can even go down to very simple examples in everyday life such as returning extra change given by mistake when buying something. It helps us to practice uprightness and honesty. It does not apply to only money, but can be many other material items or property of others that we should not take.

3. I undertake the training rule to avoid sexual misconduct.
Avoiding sexual misconduct does not apply to only having misconducts of a physical nature but also of a mental nature. We should not have sexual misconduct with a man/woman who already has a relationship with another man/woman. Even when we do not execute actions of sexual misconduct, having the thoughts of stealing someone else's partner is already considered a sin. It is not expected of us to completely abstain from sexual activity but we are to only have it with our own wife/husband.

4. I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech.
Putting it simply would mean that we should always speak the truth and only the truth. Lying should always be avoided as lies whether big or small can cause confusion and trouble for others. If we don't know, we say we don't know. If we know, we say we know. If we've seen something, we say what we see. We do not tell a lie for the sake of others or for the sake of ourselves.

5. I undertake the training rule to abstain from intoxicating substances.
Alcohol and drugs are what intoxicating substances mean. Even though this is the last precept, it is probably one of the most important precepts. As we take in such intoxicating substances, we lose our senses and judgement, we are not control of ourselves anymore. This is when one would be subconsciously led to break the other four precepts. When we get intoxicated, our temper flare easily and may lead to killing. In an intoxicated state, we tell lies, we get involved in sexual misconduct and we may even steal from others. Therefore, it is important to stay away from such intoxicating substances.

The Buddha himself describes these precepts as great gifts. These are ancient gifts from thousands of years ago that have survived the test of time and will forever be long-standing and unchanged. From a personal opinion, these precepts are foolproof and put Buddhism aside, other religions also have similar set of rules for their devotees to adhere to. All these precepts complement each other and believe if there comes a day whereby the whole human population follows these rules strictly, a point of world peace will truly be achieved.

Archan Chum Chaikiri

Archan Chum was born in BE2450(1907) and have a family background very much similar to the legendary Khun Paen. Archan Chum Chaikiri is the great grand child of Khun Chaikiri (Khun mean nobility). Khun Chaikiri is a Khao or disciple who help Phrayachuattukaraj, the governor of Phatthalung Province to protect Phatthalung Province and southern Thailand from an invasion of Myanmar army about 200 years ago. 

Kunchaikiri have many sons and daughters. He studied white magic from Wat Khao Or 
and later taught the art to his children. One of Kunchaikiri’s children with the name
"Mueansiripanpirun" learn the art of white magic from him and further his studies into the art from Wat Khao Or. He too have many children and one of them is the father of Archan Chum.
Archan Chum’s father was a soldier and governer in Khao Chai Son district in Phatthalung city. Archan Chum Chaikiri's father is the friend of LP Kong Wat Chaimongkol in Songkhla province. LP Kong who later became the master of Archan Chum Chaikiri gave the name “Chum” to him. 

Archan Chum had an immense interest in magic and studied magic from his father and family since he 
was very young. When Archan Chum was 5 years old he can cast a spell to hypnotize poisonous snake to stop it from opening its mouth, as well as shutting the dog’s mouth up so the dog can't bite. When he was a little older around 7 years old, he learnt how to cast a spell of 11 words to a hand gun and the gun will be broken upon shooting. This happened in an incident when his father’s friend/colleague came to his house and left his gun on the table. Archan Chum took the chance to perform what he had learnt. So he took the gun on the table and starting casting the spell. However before even trying to shoot, the gun gave way and was broken. Archan Chum’s father’s friend was furious and told him not to use that spell unless in danger. This shows that Archan Chum had mastered the art so well that even before trying to fire the gun, it will give way which was way more than the art he learnt.

Archan Chum had a great talent to learn white magic and he could pick up very fast. He is able to perform a whole lot of magic that usually took double or even triple the time to master. 

When Archan Chum was 20 years old, he became a monk under LP Kong at Wat Chaimongkol in Songkhla province and study dhamma from Lp Kong until such a point he became a Khao Or disciple under the advice and supervision of Khunpan Tharak Rachadej . He learn the art of Khao Or from Archan Yied Wat Donsala, who was a direct disciple and one of the most senior disciples of Archan Thong Tao. When Archan Chum was a monk he became good friends with LP Kong Wat Ban Suan 
who was at the same time a disciple of Archan Yied too. Which is at 2484, Archan Chum created his first batch of amulets with the support of Archan Yied who also provided him some of the balance “Phong Mahawan” to be mixed in the powder formula. And later joined him for the chanting ceremony. Which many people till today said that wearing Archan Chum’s Phra Puttha Nimit is equivalent to wearing Archan Yied’s Phra Kleep Bua Mahawan.

Initially Archan Chum only intended to become a monk for 1 year but end up serving monkhood for 15 years. So when Archan Chum was 35 years old, he left the Buddhist monkhood and got married. Even after he left monkhood, his interest to study white magic did not end. As long as he heard of any famous Archan(s) or Luang Phor, he will not even have a second thought of going to pay his respects to them in return of learning an art or two.

There was once when Archan Chum came across an old man in the mountains and followed this old man in learning white magic for 3 years. At the end of 3 years, the old man 2 spells of 4 words. “Na Wo Ah Mi” and “ Ba Su Wu Cha”
These 2 spells made Archan Chum realized that a person’s belief is above all.

He helped Wat Khao Or to create lots of amulets which is why the people of Southern Thai gave him a title of "The academician of Khao Or superstition". 

Archan Chum later moved to stay in Bangkok with his family when he got older and died on BE2525(1982).

Click here to see an old video showcasing one of many AC Chum's public displays of Kongkrapan magic.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Good news from AC Nick's devotee!

Sharing some good news from one of Archan Nick's devotee. Archan Nick had gone to his shop to do blessing for his business and on the same day, the devotee struck a lottery prize in Singapore. A perfect timing of good fortune and fate coming together for this to happen. Good luck to this devotee in his business!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Phra Sivali

At the time of the Buddha Gotama there reigned a righteous King and Queen named Koliya and Suppavasa. After some time Queen Suppavasa conceived a child. The unborn child brought great fortune to the kingdom. Not only did the queen receive many gifts from friends and relatives, the whole kingdom became prosperous. Crops grew in abundance and everyone was well-fed and healthy.  The queen grew heavy with child but when the natural time for the birth arrived, she failed to deliver the baby. She grew uneasy as time passed by with still no signs of the birth, and asked the King to invite the Buddha and His retinue of monks for a meal. After the meal the Buddha blessed the queen by saying:  

"May Suppavasa, daughter of the Koliya clan,
Be happy and healthy and give birth to a healthy son."
After the Buddha left, the queen gave birth to a beautiful, healthy son. As a mark of respect for the Buddha, who had eased the queen’s heavy burden with His blessings, invited the Buddha and his retinue to receive alms at the palace for seven days. They named the prince Sivali, as from the time of his conception; the people’s hardships were alleviated through an abundance of rich crops.  

  One day when Phra Sariputta was on his alms round he visited the prince and informed him of the suffering that he and his mother had undergone because of the delayed pregnancy. Phra Sariputta then went on to explain to the prince the unwholesome action that his mother and he had performed and the resulting effects of their actions.  

In a previous birth Phra Phra Sivali had been born as the King of Benares and had waged war on a neighboring kingdom. He had surrounded the kingdom and told the citizens to surrender or fight back. When they refused to surrender, in collaboration with his consort, his present mother, he had decided to surround the city and hold them hostage until they did so. The citizens, who did not want to fight back or live under the rule of such a king, had not surrendered. As a result, they had suffered greatly without food for a very long period. Many of the sick and the elderly had died but the arrogant king and his queen had not given in. Many months later the King had withdrawn his troops and released his hostages but he had paid dearly for the suffering he had caused. At death he was reborn in Avichi hell. The delayed pregnancy and the suffering he and his mother had undergone resulting from the delay were the residual effects of this action. 
After illustrating the Noble Truth of suffering, Phra Sariputta asked the prince if he would like to join the Noble Order so that he could seek the path to end all suffering. The prince was overjoyed at this invitation and agreed to join the order with his mother’s permission. 
 The queen, who was a devoted follower of the Buddha, agreed. She escorted Prince Sivali in procession to the monastery to be ordained. On the day of ordination when they shave his hair, Phra Sariputta advised Phra Sivali to meditate on the impurities of the body. Phra Sivali, who was spiritually advanced resulting from previous wholesome actions, focused his mind as instructed. Before the completion of the shaving of his hair, Phra Sivali attained the supreme wisdom of Nibbána. 

The monks soon noticed a strange phenomenon when they were with Phra Sivali as Phra Sivali always seemed to have an abundance of rich, fragrant food and the other requisites (robes, shelter and medicine). Monks who were with him also had the opportunity to share in the bounty. Wherever Phra Sivali went, people flocked around to prepare food for him. Donors offered Phra Sivali with all the requisites of a monk every time he went on his alms round. 

Therefore, it was that wherever Phra Sivali travelled both people and devas supported him. He and his retinue of 500 monks were in an uninhabited forest for seven days, but they were not short of food. The Devas made sure that they fulfil all his requirements. Similarly, when Phra Sivali was travelling through the desert he was well provided with requisites. The Buddha, seeing that Phra Sivali was fulfilling a previous aspiration in His reign, declared that he was foremost among the monks in obtaining requisites. He also instructed monks who were travelling on long, tedious journeys through uninhabited terrain be accompanied by Phra Sivali, as with him by their side they would be ensured of the requisites. In fact, on one occasion when the Buddha and His retinue of 30,000 monks were travelling to visit Phra Khadhiravaniya Revata (Phra Sariputta’s younger brother) they had to cross an uninhabited forest.  Phra Ánanda, fearing that they would not be able to obtain food in the jungle for such a large number of monks, questioned the Buddha about the logistics of the journey. The Buddha assured Phra Ánanda that they had nothing to worry about as Phra Sivali was with them. With Phra Sivali present, there would be no shortage of food because even the Devas reveled in taking care of his requirements.
In general, only the doer reaps the effects of one’s wholesome and unwholesome intentional actions. However, there are instances, as with Phra Sivali, that others too benefit from unusually strong actions of another. This overflow of the results of the effect of a persons strong kamma on others is known as nissandha pala (overflowing results of kamma). While vipaka pala, results of kamma are reaped only by the doer nissandha pala are experienced by others who happen to be with you. Nissandha pala could be both wholesome and unwholesome in accordance with the deed performed. For instance, Phra Sariputta did not obtain alms in one instance resulting from the nissandha pala of Losaka’s strong unwholesome deeds. 

To seek the cause of this strange phenomenon we need to go back many aeons to the time of the Buddha Padumuttara. Phra Sivali, who had been born as a poor man, had the opportunity to see the Buddha Padumuttara confer on another monk the honor of being foremost among monks who obtain the requisites. Fascinated by the way, everyone desired to provide alms and robes to this monk; Phra Sivali had decided that he too would like to hold a similar position in a future birth. He had then performed many acts of generosity to the Buddha Padumuttara and His retinue and made an aspiration. 
The Buddha Padumuttara, foreseeing that Phra Sivali’s aspiration would be fulfilled had prophesied that at the time of the Gotama Buddha he would be foremost among the monks who obtained requisites. From this point onwards, Phra Sivali had started in earnest to work toward his aspiration. At death, he was reborn in a heavenly realm where he enjoyed many years of heavenly bliss. 

Credits: Wat Palelai, Singapore

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Look Om Phong Prai Pan Pii (1st Batch Loop Om)

Master: Archan Nick 
Temple: Samnak Barami
Year: 2557

Description: Archan Nick first batch of Loop Om made using Phong Prai Pan Pii, a material he is very famous for. Phong Prai Pan Pii is a mixture of cemetery soils collected from various cemeteries in Thailand together with Archan Nick's personal collection of human bone ashes obtained from a cremation worker that collects the ashes for each cremation he does. At the point when Archan Nick collected these ashes, the cremation worker has already done at least 1000 cremations, which is why the name Pan Pii, which translates to Thousand Spirits. These materials were mixed with some holy water by Archan Nick and then rolled into the Loop Om before leaving it to dry. After few rounds of blessing, Archan Nick then engraved yants on the surface of the Loop Om.

Purpose: This Loop Om can be worn below waist level for increasing Metta Mahaniyom, avoiding danger and increasing sixth sense. It can also be placed with Kumantong to help increase the efficiency of a Kumantong.

Price: SGD 28

Friday, 1 August 2014

Archan Nick Sakyant

Sharing some photos of Archan Nick doing gold foil pasting, sakyant and krop Lersi sian blessing for devotees in Singapore. Archan Nick is famous for his set of 5 sakyants that are positioned on places such as the chest, arm, forehead hairline and back of the devotee.
Metta, confidence, removing bad things, blocking out bad things and attracting good things. These 5 purposes are all linked to each other and compliment each other. Lersi krop sian is done by inviting Lersi and borrowing the energy of Lersi together with the meditative chanting power of Archan Nick to bless a devotee in all aspects.

Sakyant is a form of yant tattooing that has a history of close to 2000 years and has been believed by many generations to invest power/protection to a devotee depending on the type of yants being tattooed. Even famous celebrity, Angelina Jolie, has went all the way to Thailand just to get herself a sakyant! Archan Nick is often invited to Buddhist amulet shops in Singapore to help devotees do sakyant. Stay tuned for the next upcoming sakyant event!